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Hello Visitor! Welcome to my website. As you can make out from the site, I like to create websites, templates .etc. So I usually search for small website projects. As a beginner , every project helps me to practice my skills.


If you have a Small-Midsize firm, and want to setup a  simple website through which you can show a catalogue of your products or details about your firm & services provided ; then I can help you build a website for your firm. 


To host a website you need:


1. Registered domain or website URL eg. www.google.com

2. A web hosting package i.e a space at a server.


If you want my help in registering a domain & a web hosting package then contact me at the contact number or email address given below.


Most of the website hosting companies usually charge around Rs.300-400 or higher for domain registration & Rs.600-800 or higher for web hosting per year. That means, you have to pay at least around Rs.1200-1400 per year to host a 50 MB website, excluding my website building & maintenance charges.



Mobile : +(91) - 9920070452   e-mail: amshailesh@yahoo.co.in